Michael Rapaport shocked to see Great Reset in action: ‘I Can’t Believe I’m Seeing This S**t’

Actor Michael Rapaport filmed a brazen theft in broad daylight at a Rite Aid in New York’s Upper Eastside as a security guard looked on helplessly:


This, ladies and gentlemen is The Great Reset: late-stage socialism. When government promotes the disintegration of property rights by decriminalizing theft you get dickheads ripping off stores like it’s nothing. If it happens enough, stores close, as in the case of this Rite Aid. If enough stores close, you get a complete breakdown of society.

You can thank Klaus Schwab and George Soros for this baloney.

Rapaport shared his dismay last year after being duped into taking the COVID vaccine then being called a “super-spreader” because the vaccines didn’t work as expected: