NY fires unvaxxed nurses; replaces them with unvaxxed National Guard troops

In a bizarre twist on the insane vaccine mandate saga, unelected New York Governor Karen Kathy Hochul an executive order Monday allowing her to deploy the National Guard in case of staff shortages at hospitals due to her tyrannical vaccine mandate for healthcare workers in the state.

But the National Guard troops don’t have to be vaccinated until June of 2022 according to The Hill:

The Army has set a June 30, 2022, deadline for all its service members to be fully vaccinated against COVID-19, with active-duty troops required to receive the shot even sooner, according to new guidance released Tuesday.

All Army active-duty troops are required to be fully vaccinated by Dec. 15, while National Guard and Reserve members have until the later date, the service said in a statement.

“We’re taking all the steps preemptively in anticipation of what I call a preventable staffing shortage – still preventable, enough hours in a day,” Hochul said at a press conference in the Bronx Monday, Sept. 27.

Yeah, it was preventable if you didn’t mandate a vaccine that wasn’t necessary for a year and a half as those workers battled on the frontlines and likely endured COVID and got natural immunity. It was preventable if you didn’t force a vaccine that data show is potentially extremely deadly and not even helpful in preventing spread of the disease.

Hochul replaced disgraced former Democratic star Andrew Cuomo after he presumably didn’t shill hard enough for the vaccine. Andrew Cuomo has nipple rings, but he doesn’t have a “Vaxxed” necklace like Hochul:

What an asshole

I wonder if she got the same “vaccine” as the 50k Medicare patients who died within 2 weeks of receiving the shot or was it saline like Mr. Bear Arms in his fake photo op?

By the way, everything about these people is fake—even the setting of the photo op:

Hochul just went full cultist at some pro-vaccine prayer group this week claiming that “the vaccine is from God” and “I want you to be my apostles”.

Kanye is not impressed.

Oh yeah, and did we mention Hochul’s daughter-in-law, Christiana Hochul, is a top lobbyist at a pharmaceutical firm that has been actively trying to influence state and federal lawmakers?

The governor’s daughter-in-law is listed on federal lobbying disclosure reports, showing that she and her team actively tried to influence members of Congress and those within President Joe Biden’s administration.

The Pharmaceutical-Industrial Complex continues its war on the American people.