Psaki: It’s ‘unfair and absurd’ if companies raise prices after Biden raises their taxes

The White House Press Secretary might want to pick up Economics In One Lesson. She clearly has no grasp on fundamental economic principles.

Here’s an exchange she had with a reporter yesterday:

REPORTER: I want to ask you about what Republicans are pointing to in the analysis from the Joint Committee on Taxation. They say, according to — if I’ve read the chart correctly, more than 16 percent of taxpayers would see their taxes increase under the bill that’s approved by the House Ways and Means Committee. Will the President sign that bill if — as if — it is coming out of that committee? Or will he insist on the changes so that he will maintain his commitment that taxes won’t go up on people making $400,000 a year?

PSAKI: I have not looked at the document or the report that you have put out. Obviously, the President — or that you have referenced, I should say — that the Republicans put out.

Obviously, the President’s commitment remains not raising taxes for anyone making less than $400,000 a year. There are some — and I’m not sure if this is the case in this report — who argue that, in the past, companies have passed on these costs to consumers. I’m not sure if that’s the argument being made in this report. We feel that that’s unfair and absurd, and the American people would not stand for that.

Does she understand the words coming out of her mouth?

It’s okay for the government to raise prices, but unfair for corporations to raise their taxes. Sure Jan.

This is back to the “You didn’t build that” economic fallacy in which people in government claim that people in the private sector didn’t build something because the public sector helped.

News flash Psaki: the government doesn’t do anything on its own. It relies completely on involuntary funding from the Fed and taxation. If it’s unfair and absurd for American corporations to raise prices on their customers, it’s exponentially more unfair and absurd for the government to raise its prices through taxation.

These people are insane.