House strips Marjorie Taylor Greene of committees because she didn’t sleep with enough Chinese spies


The House voted Thursday to strip controversial Republican Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene of her committee assignments. All Democrats and 11 Republicans voted for the measure, despite Republican leader Kevin McCarthy’s opposition to it.

She obviously didn’t sleep with enough Chinese spies, like Democratic Congressman Eric Swalwell of California did.

In social media posts and videos made before she was elected to Congress, Greene, a freshman from Georgia, embraced a slew of far-right conspiracy theories, including questioning whether deadly school shootings had been staged and whether a plane really hit the Pentagon on 9/11.

That may be controversial, but the way conspiracy theories have been coming true recently, it’s not out of the realm of possibility. Either way, the government doesn’t like it when it is the target of skepticism.

On the other hand, Swalwell was clearly compromised by a Chinese spy (Fang Fang).

According to media reports, the spy, Fang “Christine” Fang, latched onto Swalwell around 2011 when he was a new city councilor for Dublin, California. She became a bundler for his campaign in addition to other services performed. Swalwell let her place at least one intern in his congressional office; as a freshman, he was slotted onto the Science, Space, and Technology subcommittee of the House Homeland Security Committee where Democrat Bennie Thompson was ranking member at the time.

But after this story came out, Swalwell got a promotion and became a House impeachment manager.

If Marjorie Taylor Greene wants to go anywhere in politics, she should consider sleeping with Chinese spies. That’s what the House actions indicate, evidently.