BBC: Global warming means colder winters

A new study published in Science shows that increases in extreme winter weather in parts of the US are linked to accelerated warming of the Arctic.

Orwell would be super proud!

War is Peace.
Freedom is Slavery.
Global Cooling is Global Warming.

Of course, there is technically a rationalization.

The scientists found that heating in the region ultimately disturbed the circular pattern of winds known as the polar vortex.

This allowed colder winter weather to flow down to the US, notably in the Texas cold wave in February.

The authors say that warming will see more cold winters in some locations.

Over the past four decades, satellite records have shown how increasing global temperatures in the Arctic, though it should be noted that predictions about those data have been completely wrong. In 2008, Al Gore predicted no Arctic polar ice cap in 5 years. That was 13 years ago.