Swedes Eager to Take in Migrants Until They Have an Opportunity to Actually Take in a Migrant
Fascinating. These Swedes seem really compassionate and willing to take migrants into their country and even their own homes...until they...
Fascinating. These Swedes seem really compassionate and willing to take migrants into their country and even their own homes...until they...
Disgraced Harvard President Claudine Gay resigned from her post after several charges of plagiarism. Evidently, she plagiarized her resignation letter...
(Leading Report) Pizzagate investigator and filmmaker, Janet Ossebaard, who exposed elite pedophile networks to millions, has been found dead just...
The Romeike family fled Germany in 2008 after authorities cracked down on the practice of home-schooling, and applied for asylum...
This is peak clown world. The US is being invaded right now and the invaders are making their way to...
https://twitter.com/Sarcasmcat24/status/1647675499387277315 Does anyone believe these yahoos?
What are the odds?
How blatant does the Death Cult of the State have to be before people acknowledge it for what it is?...
These poor celebrities... What are they thinking? I get when people sell their souls to be attractive. But selling your...
It’s been an interesting week in Los Angeles politics. As Twitchy reported, Los Angeles City Councilwoman Nury Martinez was caught...